Periodically the Lantern Queen crew conducts man overboard drills. Besides the fact that they make a lot of sense, they're also required by the U.S. Coast Guard. But when the Lantern Queen crew is faced with a tedious task, they do their best to turn it into a party! So just in case you need to know how to rescue a man overboard, here goes:

Oh no! Capt. Fred didn't throw the seat cushion overboard as planned - he jumped in with it!!!

It's OK! (From r. to l.) Lantern Queen crew members Kristin, Erin, and little Katherine spot Capt. Fred and yell "MAN OVERBOARD" and continue to keep contact by pointing to him.

The captain starts manuevering the Lantern Queen so that the gangway points toward the victim. (Uh, I didn't want to choose between which captain to use for this photo, and Katherine's cuter anyway!)

While the captain's swinging the boat around, other crew members are lowering the gangway to about 18" above the water. One crew member, armed with a boat hook, takes up a station on the end of the gangway, while another acts as safety behind him.

As the Lantern Queen approaches the victim the gangway is finally lowered into the water in order to drag the victim aboard. Saved! Saved! Capt. Fred is saved- much to the relief of little Katherine, who took this drill VERY seriously!

And so it continued, until every one of the seven captains took his turn rescuing the poor, soggy seat cushion! And at sunset I was able to snap a great photo of bartender, Kristin.
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