From the decks of the Lantern Queen we've watched several nests of ospreys hatch and grow this spring and summer. And we regularly watch bald eagles soar from the cliffs on either side of the river, occasionally swooping down to catch a fish, more often just content to look majestic. But recently a very peculiar thing has happened. The ospreys have grown up and left the nest, and of course the osprey parents have no need of the nest until next spring. Guess who moved in? The Bald Eagles! The photo above shows a bald eagle at home in the osprey nest high atop a power pole on the Amtrak railroad bridge. If you've a good set of binoculars check it out - the very top of the northen pole, just to the right of the swing bridge. To the naked eye it looks like a tiny ball stuck on the top of the pole. But there's a steel nesting box there that the ospreys occupied until late in the summer.
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