Drama! A worried bride, a broken down bus, a fast boat! And that's all BEFORE the wedding! Thanks to a good friend, Joe was able to make his wedding by speed boat. As Joe jumped off the speed boat, the wedding party and their guests boarded the Lantern Queen. Captain Fred Lied led Joe and Clara through their "I Do's" enroute to Northeast where more friends were waiting at the Nautigoose. The four hour cruise to Northeast provided plenty of time for relaxed partying. More drama awaited us in Northeast when we discovered that another boat was docked at the city pier - the only pier that can handle the Lantern Queen. A quick call to the Nauti-goose took care of the problem and the Lantern Queen slid into the berth, and quickly lowered the gangway so that the celebration could move to the Nautigoose!
Joe and Clara, congratulations from the Lantern Queen Crew and Staff! We thoroughly enjoyed your wedding, and wish you many years of happiness.
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