On Wednesday evening, May 22, 2008 we hosted a group of John Carroll graduating seniors. First, I have to say that this was the nicest bunch of teens! This group has been Mr. John Low's homeroom for all four years of high school!
This cruise was more special for us than the young people knew! Carroll & Becky met for the first time in Mr. John Low's Edgewood High School biology class - uh...a long time ago. (First period, 9th grade!) In addition to being a great teacher, John was also Carroll's track and cross-country coach. And John's wife, Mary Ann, was Becky's high school phys ed teacher. Long after high school the Low's and Fitzgerald's continue to cross paths, as Becky coached (and Carroll helped) at Harford Tech High, and as both Scott & Erin ran for Joppatowne High and Harford Tech High, respectively. It seemed that John was always there with a quiet word of encouragement for the kids or Carroll & Becky.
After John retired from Harford County Public Schools, he continued teaching at John Carroll High. It is so nice to see this group of high school seniors hold Mr. Low in the same high regard we do!
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